Notable Quotes
The players always surprise us by their actions and their words. Here, entirely out of context, are some of the amusing words we've taken away from each run. We can't capture every brilliant utterance, but there are some that catch our ear.
Run 1: Peaky Midwest Playtest, May 22, 2021
"One of the Great Virtues ‐ Scientific Inquiry!"
"Peer review is something I feel strongly about. I feel it is the 35th Virtue."
"The 3rd Virtue is a strong password."
"I don't suppose Self-Sacrifice is one of the Great Virtues?"
<no answer>
"Before we are hallucinating, we want to be aware we're hallucinating."
"I choose species."
"If you call the fucking death of my wife a good thing again, I will kill you."
"You're suggesting we lie."
"That's a very good idea, actually."
"You're a vampire!"
"I haven't drunk any of it!!!"
"We have heard one lie, two lies, or all lies."