Level Up!

Level Up!

Distress Calls Bluesheet

You are used to making Distress Calls, summoning your Patrons, Deific Emissaries (e.g. Angels, Demons), or your Deity, in all Their Ineffable Glory, to help you solve some Nearly Impossible Challenge. Your Distress Calls are not working in this Strange New Level, in this Odd, Smelly Realm.

Instead, you are hearing Distress Calls asking for Your Help! You are not a Patron, nor a Deific Emissary. You are definitely not a God. However, you do Have Skills that can help The Kids that seem to be Wandering through Your Realm, facing the Same Crises that you would expect to Face in your fight against the Mystic Giants. It is not clear how The Kids got there, but they have need of the Secret Information, the Items, the Special Abilities and Power Moves you have.

It is clear that YOU must become Their Patron. YOU must answer their Distress Calls.

To Respond to a Distress Call:

  1. Figure out who can help solve the problem, which may include characters not Released from Their Cartridges.

  2. Come up with a sequence of Clever Schemes, Special Abilities, Supergenius Stratagems, Power Moves, Brilliant Bluffs, Items, or Other Approaches, that solves the problem.

  3. Approach the Magic Spinning Mirror Disk.

  4. Act out The Solution, so The Kids (and the Gods of Madness aka GMs) can see the process. Explain how and why you are doing Each Step, so The Kids understand everything.

  5. The Kids will let you know if it's Successful! They may need Additional Help.

Remember that The Kids are facing Dire Conflicts far from their Perversely Stinky Home. They need your Patience, Cooperation, and Help.