Tales of the Future

The Tech Logistics for Virtual Runs of the Tales of the Future

In order for everyone to have a great play experience for any of the Volumes, you will need to have:

Well in advance of the run, we will provide you the URL for the Tales of the Future Discord server we use for the game. Please make sure that you can connect to the server as soon as possible, so that we can diagnose any issues well before the game.

[1]: A phone may not be sufficient. We've seen technical issues with people attempting to use phones and Discord in other virtual LARPs. This is especially true when other channels aren't muted.

[2]: The inevitable invasion of feline aliens is unavoidable, especially in this household. Please identify the intruder to the rest of the group, feline or not, while applying sufficient love and attention to the wild beast. Continue play as best possible. Adoration between Tales is acceptable.