Tales of the Future

Notable quotes the Tales of the Future

There are times when one of the characters says something that just sticks in our heads. The quote finds its way into our notes. We don't get all of the great quotes, and we know there's no context here, but they're still worth noting. You may understand them better, once you play.

While there were good quotes in the first Volume One run, we were taking detailed game runtime notes and didn't capture any.

Volume One Run 2 ("Chris Asks Nicely" Private Run)

"I didn't expect to have a First Contact with a rake."

"I remember your obsession with fire. You should try other elements some time."

"Thank you for cooperating so far."

"I get queasy at the sight of gears."

"Humor is a certainty, if sentience is a thing."

"A universe of Dad jokes?"

Volume One Run 3 ("Kristen Yard LARPing [indoors]" Private Run)

"What is the nature of legacy?"

"We'll go down in history if we do this. If not, well..."

"I thought feelings weren't supposed to be a part of math."

"But in the case of The Sentient Cowbot vs. Dairy Farmers of Book..."

"I wasn't sentenced to death. That's barbaric!"

"Don't cry. You don't live long enough for that."

[Whispers] "I hear socialism is a thing."

"Are you comparing [character] to a spot of mold?"
"Noooo, not that!"
"Well, I am!"

"There's nothing like a good floral border to perk up a new Universe."

Volume One Run 4 (Notorious Consequences Run)

"I have many points of view on this matter."

"We're probably going to die, whatever."

"I thought this was a court of law, not a court of 'making it up as we go along.'"

"Thank you for your underestimation. That's always a delightful characteristic in a political opponent."

"You see how deviously he schemes behind you..." (said in a deviously scheming way)

"Society is more important than one upset stalker."

"By all means, put it in the minutes, but it doesn't matter much."

"Obviously, I have exceptional taste in spouses."

"The Incinerator has a point."

"It might not be murder to kill you, but it would be to kill me."

"Heroism is boring. They're funny when they fail."

"I know everything there is about funny."

Volume One Run 5 (Greater Boston LARP Society Run)

"Thanks for your leadership. As always, your choice of beverages is excellent."

"Let's make it clear. I'm not going to forgive any of you."

"The robots have to stop because they're giving me the creeps... and I'm a robot that shouldn't get the creeps."

"I could remove my feet for prosthetics." (To avoid 'setting foot' outdoors!)

"That's not a crime!"

"I suppose there's something to be said for dooming them all."

(Interrupting) "I think it's time for someone else to share."

"My purpose has a hole in it."

"You burn differently than I."

"... for some definition of leave."
"Ahh, we never hear back from the kids."
"They mutated by choice long before we stopped talking."

"We stand over the cooling husk of a dying universe."

Volume One Run 6 (Virtual Space Bubble 2020 Run)

"Why let them play with toys akin to a death sentence?"

"We will all die in that plan. I'm not excited by that option."

"They're fragile..."
"And they are our problem."

"Oh shit, this one." (A frequent quote about this time in the game)

"You can fawn later."

"There are limits to the value of learning."

"It's not clear we can rewrite history to let you feel less anxiety."

"What do you mean 'murder'?"

"You don't seem sorry, do you?"

"We can retrofit Incineron [the incinerator character] into a turbojet!"

"I don't want death cults!"

"I'm mostly sane. Are you now?"

Volume One Run 7 (Extracon 2021 Run)

"Are we somebody who deserves to be remembered?"

"Shoddy manufacturing and poor maintenance will get you every time."

"Any decision I have to make will make me unhappy."

(Totally creepy criminal voice) "Defender Leeming, why don't you defend me..."

"I'm not very interested in the Universe. I'll stay here. Everything out there is the same, just larger."

"Art is about baring your soul and money just taints it."

"Twins. There are always twins. One's dead now."
"I like the dead part."

"It's good to talk about emotions. I like to burn!"

"I have questions, but will there be trash?"

"I can't tell if that was biology or poetry... or tragedy."

"Adventure!" <rimshot> (Yes, we had player-created sound effects!)

Volume Two Run 1 (Playtest)

"I do not ask you about your parentage five minutes after meeting us."

"No. Wait! This is a sign of intelligence."

"You don't have consensus because you talk too slow."

"I think we're all feeling some in-depth emotions here."

"Only you know if death is better for you."

"Say something so I'll like you."

"After the shooting stopped, it was me."

"Oh man, this one!" (We have one of these in this game, too!)

"A bunch of dead people thought it was a good idea."

"We did pass a planet with an endless supply of cat memes."

"Then it got ugly, like <character>'s face!"

"I've been feeling like wetware; it's really creepy!"

Volume One Run 8 (Luminary Roleplay Society Run)

"Let me turn your attention to a bird in flight..."

"Zero is still a number."

"Dumb tools don't hang around and watch."
"I've talked to them; it's not good conversation."

"Could we persuade the bugs to be a little less aggressive?"

"So, so boring. Y'all should head off into space and be boring over there."

"Your greed will be good for something."

"It's my life, my art, my pain. My mistakes, too."

"The less kind part of me wants other things, and I'm going to stop talking now."

"Mine are squishy. It will be fine."

"Emotions make me broken, they make you real. That's not fair."

"Chickens will always happen. We've calculated that!"

Volume One Run 9 (Summer LARPin' 2021 Run)

"I'm not sure there's a completely logical and rational way to come to a decision."

"They may laugh at our tragedies and mourn our joys."

"I am divided in my own mind."

"Don't give me survivor's guilt before we even start."

"We're idiots, not cowards."

Poster held up to camera: "SHAME: Legal < Moral!"

"Are you now saying witchcraft was involved?"

"Two decisions? I have to rule on two decisions today?" (heavy sigh)

"In 800 years, I haven't formed a strong opinion of you."

"Could we not leave the person who wants to kill everyone in charge?"

"If it's popular, it's moral and good?"

"You are not allowed to have my feelings."

"This is all part of the grieving process." (While being held over a roaring furnace.)

"Man-eating flowers? What about women-eating flowers?"